Friday, May 21, 2010

Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time there was a magic nation ... may be it still has some magic left. However, even at that time idiots were in considerable strength. To add to the woes of that nation the remaining population had a majority of zombies. They had myriads of communities but only 3 mattered at that time. Let us name them community A,B and C.

Community A was in majority. Community B was in minority but had significant presence in some pockets. Community C formed a tiny part but its interests were tied to both the communities and it too had a pocket of influence. One fine morning an intellectual (his 'direct' actions don't befit this reference though) came to conclusion that he had no future in political power because his rivals had greater say in masses overall. But he had an ace up his sleeve. He was from community B. So, he chose 'direct' path and was joined in hordes by people from not just community B but also A and C although indirectly. That magic nation gave way to 2 magic nations. However the other nation had less of magic.

A and C with half of B lived happily in the greater magic nation for sometime. Then some leaders from C decided to choose a more 'direct' path like that 'intellectual'. This time the stacks were heavily stacked against them though. They did not get that much support from their community but created equal ruckus. Well, foolhardy is something in which each of these communities likes to dominate. Community A now took lead in that by resorting to 'direct' actions against C and then B.

This community business is actually more complex than what I have presented. There are other communities (more properly groups) at different levels. These 3 were separated by religion but there are many separated by language, region, caste and God knows what more. All these communities resort to that 'direct' path to this date. The magic nation drags on.

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