Monday, October 19, 2009

IIT JEE theatrics

Kapil Sibbal minced no words when he made his intentions clear for JEE eligibility. Mr. Sibbal has made it clear that the reason for this change is mushrooming of coaching centres throughout the country. His logic is simple. Coaching institutes train students and hence they (students) don't pay attention to class 12th exams. This in my opinion is a flawed assumption.

Most students in IITs (at least IIT Kanpur) have more than 80% marks in class 12th. Many of those who don't score more than 80% are from state boards who will go above 80 once the marks are normalized( I hope sanity will prevail). And add to it the fact that most of them have come from coaching institutes. Last time they changed the rules, apparently targeting coaching centres from a particular city, the results were not encouraging. Those institutes have grown from strength to strength in last 3 years. It appears those rules only helped them. I am sure these rules too will have no effect. What can you do if these institutes are able to attract cream of the country? The students they have in their premier batches are quite capable of scoring over 80% without much effort. Giving more weightage to class 12th will only dilute the quality inside campus.

1 comment:

Ankit said...

You are right to the certain extent. But think about it in this way. Once a bar has been set, there would be some pressure on the students to get that much marks and hence they would give more attention to their school curriculum. Its true that most of these would have scored these much marks anyways but still, setting a bar creates some pressure.

On the other hand, as I said, it would create more pressure on the students. Some of them who could have cleared JEE would only prepare for 12th and hence the student quality may go down.